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January 23, 2022 2 min read

CBD vaping products have become a hit within the vaping and non vaping community due to the fast acting effects of CBD vape e liquid. Due to better bioavailability, vaping CBD is one of the fastest acting ways to consume CBD as it is absorbed directly into the bloodstream and through the lungs. 

CBD vape products are perfect for those looking for fast effects from things such as anxiety as it creates a relaxing effect in the body. 

Unlike other vaping products, due to the relaxing effects of CBD you might be wondering how much CBD should I vape? What is the required dosage per day? We explore CBD vape e liquid and how much you should use each day. 

How Much CBD Should I Vape?

The amount of CBD you should vape each day varies on a number of factors including weight, lifestyle and the effects you are looking for. However, there is a standard guideline outlined by the food standards agency (FSA) that states CBD users should consume no more than 70mg of CBD per day. This would be the equivalent of just over a 2ml tank of 300mg CBD vape.

Our Kannakan vape e-liquidcomes in a 30ml bottle with 1000mg cbd isolate infused in pg/vg. The recommended dosage of this is 10-20mg per dosage, with no more than 70mg per day, as in line with the FSA.

If you are new to vaping CBD products it is best to start with a small dosage to see how your body reacts to it. Start with a small dose of 1mg or 2mg and wait a further 6 hours before another dose. If your body has no ill effects from the vaping then your dosage can be increased steadily.

If you are looking to take CBD for a certain condition, always consult your doctor or health physician beforehand for professional medical guidance. 

What CBD Vape E Liquid To Use?

There are many different CBD vape e liquids on the market, with different strengths and flavours. Our Kannakan CBD vape e liquid is available in 3 different flavours; strawberry, blueberry and mixed berries. These fruity flavours make vaping an enjoyable experience, itcomes in a 30ml bottle with 1000mg cbd isolate infused in pg/vg. If you were taking a full dose of 70mg per day, this liquid would last you around 2 weeks.

What Does Vaping CBD Feel Like?

Vaping CBD is incredibly effective and one of the fastest ways to feel the effects of CBD in your system. As it is absorbed through your bloodstream and lungs, the relaxing effects are almost immediate. People choose to vape CBD for conditions such as anxiety for this very reason. Although, some also use it as an energy boost at the start of the day. The feelings and effects of vaping CBD can be felt in different ways depending on the person. The effects can be felt in your system usually for between 30 minutes to 1 hour. 

If you are new to vaping CBD, consult a doctor before use if you have any medical conditions and always start with smaller doses to ensure your body reacts well to the CBD. Never exceed the daily recommended dosage. 

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